
Ten by Ten – from Waterpik

Warmup at the marsh then mosey to the trailhead. Stop at each block along a circuitous route for 10 reps of 10 exercises at each block. The exercises were merkins, sister mary Katherine’s (2 ct), Superman’s, crunchy frogs, leg raises, monkey humpers, hello dolly’s, smurf Jack’s. +4

2sday – from Russo

I had a much different plan for this morning at Granny’s that may or may not have involved a Fibonacci sequence. But as I was prepping my electronic winky, I realized 2day’s date and had 2 erase the whiteboard and start over. Great Pax of 8 HIM 2day 2 celebrate …

2sday – from Russo

I had a much different plan for this morning at Granny’s that may or may not have involved a Fibonacci sequence. But as I was prepping my electronic winky, I realized 2day’s date and had 2 erase the whiteboard and start over. Great Pax of 8 HIM 2day 2 celebrate …