
Stairway to 7

16 men met in the early morning sweltering humidity known as a typical NOLA morning gloom in July.  QIC was anxious to get back to an F3 regiment after returning from a beach vacation where most exercise was pulling chairs and ice chest to and from the beach….oh and a …

An Extra 5 seconds of Fun

Temperature: bad Humidity: bad 21 men gathered this morning for a Foundry workout. Like the Stomp, this workout – led by Amnesty since the olden days – has continued to grow, and the new faces are welcome additions. In fact, we had a late addition today from Butter, bringing the …

F3 Quantum Physics

Eighteen PAX posted this Wednesday to get their F3 fix at The Foundry. Lots of usual pleasantries exchanged as well as some chirping from the peanut gallery as the troops assembled. Nothing fancy in store, just some old and new variations of the tried and true stuff that would hopefully …

21’s at the Muscleship

YHC saw the previous week that the Mucsleship did not have a Q and took the opportunity Q his first visit to the Muscleship.  Quick disclaimer was given and warm up. Warm-Up Smurf Jacks x 21 Imperial Walkers x 21 (the PAX quickly saw a theme but were incorrect YHC …

Foundry McDeuce

13 men arrived at the Foundry on a really beautiful May morning. Clear skies, cool, sun rising. Days like this really make you appreciate the beauty in the world, and make getting out of bed worth it. Enjoy it while it lasts fellas, because the heat is coming. A disclaimer …

Running With Scissors

I had been looking forward to this (1 day after) Birthday Q. Since I am a Physical Therapist I wanted to introduce a few exercises that I have my patients perform in the clinic or suped-up modifications of those exercises. I had considered using the great lawn for a portion …

Becoming a cone-oisseur

YHC hasn’t been posting nearly as much as he should, and there may have been a chance for a fartsack this day as well, except that Mambi was on IR, and unable to Q his long awaited One Year Maniversary Epic Beatdown! When YHC was asked if he would take …

Let’s Grow This Thing!

So, when YHC arrived at the Mothership he was wondering how many PAX would show up as the Northshore was hosting their Convergence and 3 yr. anniversary.  Congrats Northshore PAX!  Happy to hear there was a strong contingent of Southshore PAX to help you celebrate.  With that, I was quite …