Playing the hits
After some back and forth as to who would Q The Foundry today, I was summoned by the unwritten F3 by-law that if a Q is unable to attend then I will Q. I think I may need a lawyer for this but Kuch is the one who wrote said …
After some back and forth as to who would Q The Foundry today, I was summoned by the unwritten F3 by-law that if a Q is unable to attend then I will Q. I think I may need a lawyer for this but Kuch is the one who wrote said …
5 years ago today was my first F3 post at the Birdcage. It was a cold dark morning and the rain was coming down hard. I texted @Captain Morgan (who EH’ed me) at 5:00am to ask, “Are we really working out in the rain?” You know the reply. @shorty was …
Nice cool morning at the Swolefest with 16 PAX: Thumb War, Belloq, Triple Shift, Walleye, West Nile, YaMamaNem, Breadsticks, Jesus Juice, Kuch, Pop Tart, High Rise, Saban, Heartaquack, Tool, Sheetrock, Catfish (Q). Warmed up with SSH, Peter Parker Peters, Mountain Climbers, and 8-counts. Rifle carried over to the field for …
I looked for a good Veteran’s Day themed WOD and found 2 that I liked. I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take to complete (particularly Catfish) so the plan was to have everyone complete WOD #1 and then transition to WOD #2 with the left over time …
5:30am on Monday morning felt like it came quickly this week. But once it hit, it was time to start off the week right with a little F3 Swolefest beatdown: Warm Up: side straddle hops – 20 in cadence wind mills – 10 in cadence plank jacks – 20 in …
Lovely RED Friday this morning at the mountain with 10 PAX: Highrise, Walleye, Tool, YaMamaNem, Sheetrock, Saban, Jesus Juice, Dax, Doubloon (FNG), Catfish (Q). Started with SSH, Toy Soldiers, Imp squat walkers, 8-counts. Lined up on the path. Indian run to the base of the mountain. Up to top of …
The first disclaimer this morning, as I turned on my speaker and it immediately died, was that I forgot to charge may speaker last night. Swole Fest just ain’t as swole without some good 90’s tunes. So we had to make due with the iPhone speaker. Just not the same. …
So when I graciously handed off my Q a few weeks ago for the trail run antics of Saban, I was glad to take the Q back from Kuch who opted to take a day off in preparation for the H8! I assume. I had been contemplating a beatdown that …
Gentlemen, We did things a little differently at the STOMP this week, but we still got in plenty of running. After issuing the disclaimer, we mosey’d to the track. Once at the track, we circled up and did a brief warmup: Side straddle hops – 15 in cadence Mountain climbers …
Woke up early to this beautiful, cool, dry morning to setup the field in front of Audubon Zoo with our F3 flags. Then I moseyed to our usual Birdcage COT spot to meet up with 45 other PAX to celebrate F3Nola’s 6 year anniversary. Before the disclaimer, I told the …