Sea Man
Sea Man

Sub Zero Pete

They call me Subzero Pete I’m the king of the Burpee beat When I call the pax I go Chic-chic-ky-boom Chic-chic-ky-boom Yes sir, I’m Subzero Pete I’m the craze of my Uptown street When I start to Q everything goes Chic-chic-ky-boom Chic-chic-ky-boom The Pax they sing Up Wolfpack hill our …

Thanks to Mr. Brees

The morning after the Saints win a first round playoff game and 6 PAX gathered in the gloom. Standard Disclaimer and as the rain begins to pour, mumble chatter from the PAX on whether we are headed to the shelter. We never went to the shelter. Mosey round the track …

Back To Work

Pre Thang: YHC has been on IR/family duty since some time in September and has posted only a handful of times over the last few months… Feeling the need to do more than run has been overwhelming. Today in the 36 degree gloom at 05:20 the shovel flag was planted …