Scam Newton
Scam Newton

5 Card Studs

Conditions:  Dry, 48 degrees Warm-up:  Jog to the Rock Pile; SSH x 20; Peter Parkers x 20; Low Slow Squats x 20; Parker Peters x 20; Windmills x 10; Dying Cockroaches x 20; Arm Circles x 20; 8-count Body Builders x 12 The Thang: Grab a Rock and Circle Up …

Iron PAX Prelude

YHC had plans for his 52nd birthday Q at Rock City (hint: what other workout option includes the number 52?). But Sunday night, Hawg posted the Iron PAX Prelude. And Tanner jumped in immediately – “Hey Rudy, lets do this!” So what option did I have? The belated 52-birthday-Q will …

Rock City Rocks

YHC hasn’t been at Rock City for few months because of the launch of Sweaty Bells, which is a Sunday workout with kettle bells. Willie and YHC had thought of bringing their kettle bells to a Rock City workout one day but could only imagine the mumble chatter from a …