
Brown Bags Bananas

Brown Bag doesn’t know how to do backblasts.  So I have some OCD issue that requires a bb – so I will post this for our beer brewing troglodyte. In reality it was nice of Brown Bag to step up for Chiquita who claims he can’t remember the names of …

El Wire’s Gloomy Gloom

EL Wire ordered up some nice temperature weather but some GLOOMY SOUPY fog and wet ground. 16 PAX circled up for a Wed am beatdown led by El Wire El Wire started with the JACK OFF. (he said it!) SSH x 20, Imp Walker Squat x 20, Seal Jack x …

Thanks to Mr. Brees

The morning after the Saints win a first round playoff game and 6 PAX gathered in the gloom. Standard Disclaimer and as the rain begins to pour, mumble chatter from the PAX on whether we are headed to the shelter. We never went to the shelter. Mosey round the track …

Back To Work

Pre Thang: YHC has been on IR/family duty since some time in September and has posted only a handful of times over the last few months… Feeling the need to do more than run has been overwhelming. Today in the 36 degree gloom at 05:20 the shovel flag was planted …