
Monday With Macdeuce

Pre Thang:  Third day of Fall and just another  muggy Monday morning in NOLA and the pax gathered slowly…  Yankee showed up with Shark Bait from Carmel and the regulars rolled in one at a time. We also had an appearance by FNG Carlton, who had posted twice already but …

What a year!

As this appears to be the week of anniversaries, YHC decided to add his 1 yr. anniversary into the mix by Qing the Birdcage.  So with a short disclaimer we were off! Mosey to Kick-Ball Field for Warm Up Imperial Walkers IC X20 Windmills IC X15 Parker Peters IC X20 …

Wolf-Brick Mountain

It had been 365 days since YHC’s last Q at WPM.  I rang in my 50th with a Q at WPM, and today I would end my 50th with a bookend Q at WPM.  In between, I’ve been a stranger to the Friday morning beatdowns.  So YHC was greeted by …

Skinny – Da Block is HOT!!!

Pre-Thang After the Week 2 – Iron 34Pax Challenge less than one week ago at the Birdcage, YHC was supposed to hide those cinder blocks with the help of the PAX.  However, Hawgcycle decided to use them for the same challenge at the Uptowner on Friday.  Therefore, the PAX loaded …