
The Merkin Trap, Episode 4: The Search for Plutonium – from Akbar

Admiral Gail Akbar of the Mon Calamari returns to the Northshore Mothership once again, to fight another battle against Darth Fartsack and the Sad Clown Empire. His secret mission this trip is to investigate the galactical mystery of Plutonium, reportedly found in the NOLA area by some beast named Hawgcycle. …

Tunnel Vision – from Russo

Slightly warmer 42 outside this morning. RCR is in full swing, because 2 HIM were logging some miles when YHC arrived. Pax grew to 4 eventually for the simplest beatdown YHC has Q’ed in a while (i.e math was kept to a minimum, no permutations, calculus, finance, gambling, or geometry …