
Time Trials at the Stomp

Since we do all this damn running anyway, we might as well see how we’re doing, right? There is some good research that suggests setting real goals and regularly tracking progress increases our chances for success. So let’s do it. Today: a 5k Of course, there is also the matter …

Its 40, not 400

A few weeks ago, YHC saw a backblast referencing a “traditional Okwata workout” that involved the levee and some exercises. As the children’s game of telephone illustrates, as word gets passed from one PAX to another, sometimes the message gets tweaked as it gets passed along. And looking at the …

1 Year Anniversary

My how time flies. I have been getting up to workout at 5:30 3-4 times a week for 1 whole year. It was a major lifestyle change and I could not be more appreciative for my boy YaMomAnEm getting me out here and off my lazy butt. 16 men joined …

The Day After

LSU 45 – Clemson 28. And it seemed like it could have been much much worse than that. Tuesday morning, YHC expected a lighter-than-normal crowd at the Stomp, as many PAX would undoubtedly still be sleeping off the after-effects of The Stomping. And YHC wasn’t disappointed. OK, maybe a bit …

Redux of Round One

Following the honored tradition of Amnesty for Rock City, YHC did a repeat Q (not than any of the PAX had the slightest clue, since they seem to all fartsack on Sundays and are never seen at Sweaty Bells).  Warm-up: SSHs 25xIC, Hill Billies 25xIC, Arm Circles 25xIC, Squat Pulses …

Pinch Hitter

“There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane.” – MP Flying Circus So filling in for Landing Strip, mosey around a bit to the field in front of the zoo: 20 SSH 12 Arm Circles Fwd 10 Peter Parkers …

First Stomp of 2020

22 men came out in the darkened gloom to kick off 2020 with the 610 Stomp. No better way to start the year than a good run with your 22 best friends. The Thang YHC started with the basic disclaimer and gave the instructions for the morning run. Run out …