
I got you buddy – from Bogey

Brief warmup… Grass grabbers-10/AB-10/Squat Twist-10/SSH-20/AC for&back-10ea/PePa, PaPe, MC-10ea. To the gym… 20-Merk/Calf raises/Monkey H. then a lap 15-…. 10-…. 5-… To the Pavilion Rt leg step up-15/Dips-15/Lt leg step up-15/Dips-10/Rt leg-10/Dips-10/Lt leg-10 Peoples Chair – 30sec/30 sec w/ air curls To the rock pile… All with rock 15-Curls/Rows/Ov. Press/Triceps 10-… …

The 210 Stomp – from Rudy

Its Twos-Day, 2/22/2022. As promised, a new route led to an easter egg on the Strava map (yes, a 2 mile out-and-back that formed a 2). And what better way to celebrate than by running in my tutu… Thanks High Rise for pacing and pushing me! And congrats to the …