
Yippee! – from Rudy

7 PAX (5 on time, 2 stragglers) at the Mothership for the annual Yippee Bag! Hot Hot Hot. Warm Up on the field. No one seems brave enough to tackle the Yippee Bag as we go through stretches, some SSH, some IW and some Peter Parkers. OH WAIT. Catfish breaks …

55s – from Rudy

Whew. It was Hot and Muggy. No wind. Just moisture lingering in the air. High Rise and I staring at watches, wondering if it was going to be a Man Date or not. But SOGO, Frac and Saban rolled in hot – so 5 of us set off to the …

The 5-6 Stomp – from Rudy

YHC picks up Q #2 in the Birthday Week bonanza. Thanks, Heisenberg, for going 2 for 2! Humidity was MUCH higher than Monday. And only gonna get worse this week. Hydrate well, everyone! 10 PAX joined for a run. 20 out, 20 back along the traditional route. A birthday variation …

Rudy got sold – from Mayhem

Q started selling Rudy at 7:30pm the evening before on showing up to the proper AO… ABC (always be closing)… Rudy got sold 530am Disclaimer Mosey Warmarama: windmills, grass grabbers, side straddle hops, peter parker peter, mountain climbers, arm circles, reverse arm circles Rock pile then to the parking lot …