Rock City
Rock City

Ruck City #1

One Marine and 3 civilians hit the gloom for the first ever New Orleans F3 #RuckCity workout.  YHC bubble wrapped some concrete bricks from Lowe’s.  They weigh about 5 pounds each.  Yankee went with some all-natural bricks, hoping they would not tear up his ruck.  Amnesty chose to fill his …

Rocks Sharpen Iron

After a nice Father’s Day weekend, it was time to get back to business! Five brave souls, eager to improve themselves, met at the shovel/flag ready to get it on. “Disclaimer!” Mosey to COP near the rocks (IC): -SSH x 30 -IPW x 30 -Arm circles x 30 (15 each …

Memorial Day at the Lake

9 men met at Pontiff Lake, formerly known as Pontiff Playground.  Rev planted the flag on the nearest shore.  There was a lot of early mumble chatter regarding the lingering stiffness/soreness from Saturday’s #beatdown at the hands of Side Effects and Amnesty.  As we know, there is only one good …

Shut Up You Old Bag

6 men got off their 6 and headed to the #RockCity Gloom this morning.  YHC was pleased to see two new faces to the #RockCity crowd this morning.  Tool came out, which may have earned him the badge for posting at all four NOLA AOs.  Zombie made a triumphant Kotter …

Crazy 8s

The excitement was palpable in the gloom as 8 committed men posted this morning at #RockCity.  Alas, despite the $50 pledge, Chard did not make it.  Rumor has it that he was sitting on the throne writing a check to the Human Fund. The Thang Mosey to the end of …

Metry Represent?

Happy Star Wars Day….May the Fourth be with you…  Three residents of New Orleans showed up for the Metairie workout.  No Metairians.  Whaaaat? Plant the flag and Disclaimer on the mosey to the COP, a little karaoke enroute to loosen this old man’s hips. (IC: 30xSSH, 30xImperial Walkers, 30xArm Circles …

Be Not Dismayed

4 strong set out to get stronger at #RockCity, battling the overly aggressive Metairie Mosquitos and the soccer field turned briar patch. The Thang Mosey to the rock pile for our Warm-Up Warm-up COP: SSH IC x 30; Peter Parkers IC  x 30; Low Slow Squats IC x 30; Forward …