Rock City
Rock City

Looking for Amnesty

8 Q-less PAX arrived at #RockCity in the frigid (relative term) gloom looking to lift something heavy.  I wonder if the temperature was any warmer down south where our skinny-armed brethren were congregating.  At 0530 YHC asked if anyone knew where the Q was to learn that he had decide to …

Rock City VQ

Pre-Thang It was time for YHC to get out of his Uptown comfort zone and have his first Q over in Rock City.  The gloom was crisp as we set out to do some real manly tasks of heaving rocks around. Warm-Up Mosey over to the rock pile and pick …

Cool Hands

6 men finally enjoyed some cool temperatures in the Metairie gloom.  I wander if it was as cool down south where our Audubon brethren met this morning.  Marlin biked in hot, YHC gave the disclaimer and we headed off toward the rock pile We enjoyed a quick warm-up COP prior to …

Swimming With Rocks

After an evening of sufficient soaking, eight men showed up to get better. Seven men started a the shovel/flag and stepped off after the disclaimer. While in the COP, Hawg came rolling up…without the goggles. COP: SSH x 30 IC IW x 30 IC Arm Circles x 30 (15 each …

In the Fog

A quiet affair, but with two FNGs. In honor of Columbus Day, I wanted some kind of swimming, but with no water in sight it was difficult. We had to make due with the wet fog hugging the cool grass, which felt great. The usual mosey to the rock pile: …

Way Late

The Thang Mosey to the Rock Pile for the warm up COP: SSH IC x 30; Imperial Walkers IC x 25; Windmills IC x 15; Forward Arm Circles IC x 20;  Backward Arm Circles IC x 20; Select a rock and mosey back toward the flag Boss Keane’s Rock Pile …

Prime Time

With Venus shining bright and Orion’s Belt overhead, it was a Prime Time. Off to the Rock Pile. 29x side-straddle hop, 17x monkey hump, 23x imperial walkers; Hawg got the pattern, so I could I stop the math in the head. 20x Don Quixotes. Pick up pebbles or gibralters and …