
You down with O.P.P.!!!

I know what you late 30, early 40 F3 brethren who use to listen to Naughty by Nature are thinking.. However, let’s keep this PG13 and call it “Other Positive People”, “Old People Power”, “Obvious Pure Perspiration”, or simply makeup your own acronym of sorts and roll with it.. Prethang …

Getting Our Money’s Worth at Grandma’s House for Ringo’s Virgin Q.

Upon arrival, most of the PAX aired grievances about how the Saints were robbed. This will probably be a topic of F3 discussions for many beatdowns to come. WarmaRama: Good Mornings, Windmills, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Toe Touches. YHC kept getting a few of the warm up exercises mixed up, …

Honeymoon Sandy

Writing this as I’m about to take off to Chicago. Everyone got to meet my Sandy this morning (or honeymoon Sandy as Ringo called her because we can only assume that she will never be this light again.) Sandy is a 45 pound sandbag. Sandy was supposed to make her …

Presto Change-o!

tick…tock…tick…tock…The countdown is on! THE most extreme and hardcore athletic event in the United States, if not the world will be here in less than 48 hours (as of the writing of this back blast). The best of the best of the best will descend upon the Mandeville Lakefront to …

Round Robin at The Gipper

With our designated Q, Maverick, busy with his new 2.0, it was up to the PAX to deliver their own beatdown Wednesday morning at The Gipper. Go time arrived, the assembled veteran PAX disclaimed themselves silently, and then we got down to business. YHC initially took the lead with a …

A Miscue at the Marsh

This morning’s beatdown had no creative themes and no coupons were used. There were no musical numbers. And this backblast (probably) won’t have any rhyming couplets. And that is because this beatdown, though it was to be led by the always-reliable and always-creative Grundy, was, in fact, Grundy-less. But that …

Back At It

Ah, it’s exciting to be back to the month of January. A new year, another chance to join a run challenge I’ll almost immediately regret. A new year, another chance to see Shooter post to a 16º beatdown in shorts and sans gloves. And of course, a new year, another …

Changing Directions

Very gloomy Gloom at The Gipper this morning, but that didn’t stop the veteran PAX who took their red pills and showed up ready to make themselves better. In fact, most of the PAX, at least those tuned into this month’s ISI challenge, participated in a little foreplay by putting …