Rev Sox
Rev Sox

Labor Day at Rock City

YHC is unable to do Mondays due to having to be at work early, where a 0630 meeting with the boss trumps F3. YHC once indicated that Rock City was out unless it was a vacation day or a Holiday. Someone was listening, and YHC ended up listed as the …

The Frac Sox

YHC was counting on a small attendance for this morning’s Uptowner after yesterday’s challenge. YHC was not ready to be the only Pax at 5:28am. He was preparing to jump up and down and carry a rock like a lone idiot in Pontiff Park. Thankfully FracSac saved the day, and …

What a year!

As this appears to be the week of anniversaries, YHC decided to add his 1 yr. anniversary into the mix by Qing the Birdcage.  So with a short disclaimer we were off! Mosey to Kick-Ball Field for Warm Up Imperial Walkers IC X20 Windmills IC X15 Parker Peters IC X20 …


Hawg stole YHC’s Q for this morning with IronPax Week III, and YHC was not happy. YHC loves his precious F3 workouts and these stupid IronPax Challenges were just ruining a good thing. The first challenge left me hobbled like a 90 year old grandma, but YHC is into it …

Muggy Monday

A guy messes up once, and he gets no sympathy.  I suppose it’s a good think to keep one accountable.  Thanks, Rudy.  So at exactly 5:30:00.00, YHC gave an excellently excellent disclaimer, and the PAX was off. First Circle of Pain: SSHs 30xIC Don Quixotes 20xIC Hill Billies 30xIC Peter …

19 for 11

Back from Canada after a weeklong hiatus, YHC was ready to get back in the saddle.  7 days is enough to enable one to forget just how oppressive August humidity can be in the south.  Feeling like a weakened northerner, unable to face the Southern Summer, YHC decided to dress the …

Stepping Up

Does a back blast need to be timely? Just needs to prove we did something. In every circle we talk about getting better, pushing ourselves and each other to get better. To be better husbands, fathers, and leaders. I hear it all the time. It’s great, Leadership is aspirational! But …