Just another Renny – from Vagabond
Warmup Burpee Suicides Step-ups 20 mins of Mary/Core with coupons Sunday Mornings 0
Warmup Burpee Suicides Step-ups 20 mins of Mary/Core with coupons Sunday Mornings 0
Saturday evening an urgent plea was sent by Vagabond as he was called out of town on some unexpectant travel. By the pure Grace of God, YHC responded before Bay Watch or Frac had the opportunity. Sunday morning came and I was greeted Catfish and Heisenberg, then Frac came rolling …
It was a glorious Sunday morning in City Park where 6 PAX gathered for a Vegas style game of chance with no fear of returning home broke (at least not monetarily). Tripleshift was so enthused he showed up one hour early! Apparently trying to outsmart your smart phone regarding daylight …
YHC was way off mission for a couple weeks and knew the best way to kick off the get right campaign was by taking the Q at the Reni. Vagabond, Hokie, Heisenberg and MacGyver joined YHC just to see what was in store….but they knew… With the Tulips in bloom, …
5 PAX Showed up on a gloomy, misty, chilly or my Renaissance vQ. Started with Imperial Walkers 20 Low Slow Squats 15 Arm Circles of 4 varieties @ 10 each Tin Soldiers @ 16 THANG Stacking Exercise – Repeat the previous exercises at each stop along the way, stacking the …
On this beautiful Family Gras weekend two local Pax and one down range Pax posted for a mosey & burpees. We left NOMA and headed to Bayou St John with periodic stops for 10 burpees. Out for about 20 minutes (the park area just last the post office & Wrong …
As the clock read 0627, YHC arrived at Renaissance to one Pax doing burpees waiting on the Q’s arrival. After hearing the 0629 alarm, YHC started with a disclaimer including realizing there may possibility be only two in attendance while the thermometer read 37° Or was it The Q’s calendar …
Warmup with Renaissance choir music Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 My invitation on Mumblechatter: “Contemplation + Encouragement at Renaissance tomorrow for Pax seeking a specific change in their existence. Bring a piece of personal “baggage” that needs to be burned through a purposeful, strenuous beatdown. We’ll leave it all on the …
Ideal conditions: Temp was around 38 belt felt like the 20’s with the wind chill. Pax (7): Thumb War (Q) Triple Shift who pulled up just after me around 6:15 and made a lap around the Big Lake to warmup Frac Sac Catfish in his hunter’s orange and flops Heisenberg …
Warmup SSH, mtn climber, arm circles, etc Partner of 2 OYO as many as you can do while partner runs around NOMA with weight (music playing) – any exercise can be swapped for burpees 1: low slow squats 2: shoulder taps 3: incline wife pleaser 4: bob and weave 5: …