Reluctant Yankee
Reluctant Yankee

The other anniversary

A disclaimer and we were off. I intentionally signed up for this Q so that I could mark my 5th year. Mosey’d to the field by the WW1 Memorial. SSHx 20, Imp Walker x 10, Imp Walker Squats x 10, Squats x 15, Mtn Climbers x 15, Dying Roaches x …

Who Dat!

Many PAX were hurting after celebrating a Saints Victory, and yet 19 men gathered in the gloom for a Monday Morning Beatdown. Warmup: Run around golf loop to bandstand SS Hop x 20 Arm Circles x 10 each Forward and Backwards (with Seaman voice from the Pax) Grass Grabber x …

9/11 Stair Climb #2

The first known 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb event occurred on September 11, 2003 during “Operation Enduring Freedom” in Parwan Province, Afghanistan. Albuquerque Fire Department Lieutenant Charles Cogburn scaled a two story building 55 times wearing body armor, a helmet and an M-4.  Lt Cogburn returned home and on the following September 11th (2004) the climb was …

Friday 13th

Thirty something men assembled in the gloom under a full moon to celebrate Friday the 13th. Apparently the next time a full moon falls on Friday the 13th is 2049 so I hope y’all enjoyed it. I also hope Jadaveon will remeber all of us when he is the sole …