

Ten men gathered in the gloom at Audubon Park and after Seaman was done flirting with some would-be FiA gals, the disclaimer was delivered and off we went… Into park and circle up for Warm Up SSH, mountain climbers, windmills, squats Mosey around the track to the Drew Brees Playground …

Run Mountain Run

37 Pax showed up on this cool Friday morning for some fitness and fellowship. YHC was leading a run up the mountain, and 86 lead the Angry (Tepid) Wave for some miles around the Tulane and Loyola campus. The usual disclaimer and off we go. We started with our usual jog, making …

Rocking around the clock

YHC got back late Monday from a fun, party weekend in LA for the Grammys with the M. I met Weezer and learned who Cardi B is, and definitely had some demons to exorcise this morning. L.A. is great in doses, but it was nice to get back to LA. …

Flatulence Friday

After Tinkles started talking crazy about 5 miles & three garages, most the PAX followed YHC to the touchdown Jesus for our first COP: SSH x20, MC x20, HB x20, PP x20, SJ x20 Moseyed to the mountain: Indian Run to the top 2nd COP: Flutter kicks x20, Hello Dollys …