Quarter Pipe
Quarter Pipe

Partner Up the WPM

28 PAX gathered on this beautiful, calm, cool Friday morning. Still very dark at 5:25 a.m…. but YHC noticed he wasn’t the only one using passports frequently these days… Your Mom’n Dem and Half Nelson traveled ALL THE WAY from Lakeview to Uptown just for this beat down. Seconds later, …

Techno-Free Beatdowns

YHC knows he’s old school, old fashioned, and just plain old.  #RespectHasItsDrawbacks.  For the COT, he utterly–and proudly–failed in his effort to record the names of the 28!!! PAX who posted in the gloom.  Even with Mariah’s held (#TClaps), it was hopeless.  Thank God our beatdowns are (generally) techno-free. With …


I only posted because I was the Q. The time change, the Mardi Gras break, the darkness of the gloom- all good reasons to sack. As been said many times, if left to my own devices I wouldn’t be there. Thanks to F3 I was. Disclaimer which included a very …

Bones VQ

20 Men gathered in the gloom on Monday February 25th to join Bones on his VQ Warmup: Run the loop to the bandstand. 19 Sidestraddle hops. 10 Forward Arm Circles. 10 Backward Arm Circles. 20 Peter Parkers. 20 Parker Peters. Run down Oak Alley with ascending burpees at each lightpost …

Run Mountain Run

37 Pax showed up on this cool Friday morning for some fitness and fellowship. YHC was leading a run up the mountain, and 86 lead the Angry (Tepid) Wave for some miles around the Tulane and Loyola campus. The usual disclaimer and off we go. We started with our usual jog, making …