The Spirit of Pai Gow – from Charmin
Mission: To embrace the grind, push each other, and conquer the Knees Over Toes (KOT) challenge with the indomitable spirit of Pai Gow guiding our way. The Thang: Bolt, Triple Shift, and Macgiver took the lead, demonstrating proper KOT form. Knees over Toes is not just an exercise; it’s a …
Run, Run, and run more – from PVC
Stretch arms Abe vigoda Calf scoop Grass grabber Peter Parker the old man bogey Wife pleaser Flutter kicks imperial Walker 11’s Merkins run the steps BBS run down the ramp Variety of exercises on Pad with timer being a runner to the can with 3 squats COT 0
11’s to stay warm – from PVC
Stretch arms Abe vigoda Calf scoop Grass grabber Peter Parker the old man bogey Wife pleaser Flutter kicks imperial Walker Mosey Donkey kicks calf raises Mosey Dips step ups Mosey 11’s Merkins bear crawl bbs lunge Mosey LBC COT 0
11’s is always a winner – from Kenna Brah
Warm Ups Arm Circles F/B/OH/Seal Twists Toy Soldiers MM Pooper Good Morning SSH Route 66 1st Leg – Lunge Between Lamps then 1-11 Merkins 2nd Leg – Bear Crawl between Lamps then 1-11 Squats 3rd Leg – Karaoke to Hand Release between maps – 1=11T Merkins 4th Leg – Share …
🎶 8 Crazy Nights 🎶 – from Bolt
“It’s Hanukkah…Bitches,” was YHC mantra as I arrived with a whole five minutes to spare before giving the disclaimer. KnOTs headed their way while the real men headed to midfield. The festival of Hanukkah celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and spirituality over materiality as well as the …
Count Down Your Reps! – from Bolt
6 pax heeded the call for HCs the night before and still showed up in the chilly gloom so YHC decided on a full body workout using the outdoor gym. Warmorama of the usual with the now infamous official warm up song. Made our way to the gym, changing modes …
All Souls Day Beatdown – from Charmin
Vagabond was very insistent that the shorted form of his name is pronounced Vag and not Vag. Since he ran with Fracksack, we named them Vag Frack. Bolt tried to steal the Q but when he said he didn’t want to write the Backblast so YHC is getting credit again. …
Accountability trumps blustery weather – from Bolt
YHC debated posting as he handed out candy and occasionally ate some (to merely enhance the taste of the wine—er, I mean heart “medicine”). Charmin shared he was a scratch, choosing salvation over suffering in the gloom, as did Minute Rice…my likelihood of posting was dropping with the temperatures. War …
Happy 9th Man-iversary F3 NOLA – from Hokie
10 Pax showed up to celebrate 9 years of F3 in NOLA Thank you Double Fudge Fast Tax Hand Grenada Hokie Manuel Mayhem Mr Rodger’s Pool boy PVC Vagabond For coming out to play! Warmorama 10 Abe Vigodas 18 grass grabbers 14 arm circles 9 low slow squats The THANG …