Sprints – from PVC
Warm-o-rama 800 M The Thang- 100m run 100m mosey 100m…100m 200m…100m 200m…100m 300m…100m 300m…100m 400m…100m 400m…100m rinse and repeat 0
Warm-o-rama 800 M The Thang- 100m run 100m mosey 100m…100m 200m…100m 200m…100m 300m…100m 300m…100m 400m…100m 400m…100m rinse and repeat 0
YHC showed up to The Scrum to a lone vehicle in the lot at 0620. Knowing the vehicle belonged to PVC, I texted the Q to ask if he was in route. Minutes later, another vehicle showed up to a greeting from PVC saying, “Aren’t you the Q at Rock …
Got a text from Kenna Brah asking if the YHC had the Q. He asked knowing YHC has been absent in the gloom for many weeks. With a quick one-word response YHC responded, YES! On the ride to the Scrum, the fog was thick with very little visibility. YHC’s next …
YHC saw the schedule with “Q needed” So while in route to see if PVC was posting solo while Frac was out of town, I thought about Q School. Upon arrival I was greeted by PVC who was all alone. So we started with a disclaimer and Q school as …
Vagabond recruited War Eagle to share the Q at T – 12 hours and picked him up to make sure he’d show Entire beat down on great lawn Typical warmup routine 10 mins 3 Man Tag Team (runner was timer) -end field: burpees Pax 1 -bear crawl zone/run Pax 2 …
Warmup GREAT LAWN STATIONS 25 Merkins Run Backwards on long side of the Lawn 50 Air Squats Bear Crawl short side 76 Bird Dogs Run Backwards on long side of the Lawn 100 Flutter kicks 1-1 Bear Crawl short side Rinse/Repeat 4x COT 0
It was a glorious Sunday morning in City Park where 6 PAX gathered for a Vegas style game of chance with no fear of returning home broke (at least not monetarily). Tripleshift was so enthused he showed up one hour early! Apparently trying to outsmart your smart phone regarding daylight …
Thank you Bogey Boo Boo Hokie Mahatma Pillsbury PVC Rougarou Tenderloin Triple War Eagle For joining me as we focus on The Mental Battle Another year is upon us and in the tradition of F3, another March Mental Battle Month! SSH x 18 – LA ranked 18th Highest Prevalence of …
Charmin, RevSox, Boo-Boo and PVC showed up at the Scrum ready to get stronger. With the Shovel flag planted, a disclaimer was given, then a short mosey to a nice grassy area near the outdoor gym. Warmup consisted of the usual stuff, skipping the unnecessary stuff. Stations at the outdoor …
YHC took the Q at the Mothership knowing it was going to be a cold and miserable morning. With a brief disclaimer given, 6 pax headed to the peristyle. Bogey, Catfish, Triple Shift, PVC and YHC circled up for the Warmup. SSH, GG, and Hillbilly’s followed by a mosey to …