Four Amigos at the Scrum – from Bolt
Warmorama Rappers Delight edition (War Eagle never saw it coming! +1
Warmorama Rappers Delight edition (War Eagle never saw it coming! +1
Warmorama Rappers Delight edition (War Eagle never saw it coming! 0
The Double Nickel is approaching… Beignet is leaving for Marquette and ROTC in 4 days… We have Pax nursing injuries… And I did not want to run … 6 Pax rucked and walked the Wally Run route 0
Disclaimer given and a mosey to the rock pile area for a warm-o-rama consisting of typical warmup exercises such as SSH, 4-count Abe Vigodas, MC, PP, IW, and mountain man poopers. PAX were instructed to grab a medium rock, one that could be used for triceps extensions. Rudy felt there …
A grateful eight joined YHC at the Renaissance Warmup – Imperial Walkers, Abe Vigoda, Grass Grabbers, Wife Pleasers, SSH, Arm Circles, Overhead Claps, Seal Claps, Moroccan Nightclubs, 8 count body builders. Mosey to Track for some Hades (400,200,100) We stopped about half way to the track for some flutter kicks. …
It was the usual hot, humid, and sloppy August morning at El Diablo as 11 PAX assembled, eager to push themselves and their brothers. YHC could tell from the chattiness during the disclaimer that a few audibles were going to be called this morning. After disclaimer, we moseyed to the …
I spread myself thin. Thanks for picking up the slack WarEagle. Warmorama without the intended Q. Q showed up with Tire, rope, kettle bell. And plate. Thang: Passed rope through the tire and pulled from one end of work out pad to next as timer. Pax rotated between Big boy …
Mahatma Mayhem If you are living then there are choices and challenges. We who see our days start at zero dark thirty already made the choice usually the night before in committing ourselves to accountability of not hitting snooze and rolling over in the fart sack… #1 and a simple …
12 PAX entered the Pontiff bull pen, of which ten were hoping to add another notch in their quest to have their name etched in the El Diablo bat! Tclaps to Hokie and Rudy for being the first two to complete the challenge. A short mosey to midfield for a …
Warmorama Thang Run 50yard & 2 burpee run back (timer), step ups, BBSU, Kettle swing, flip tire…….rinse repeat Coolorama COT +1