
Popeyes Preseason

8 men came out in the gloom and suffocating humidity to Popeyes on Wednesday, August 28th at 5:30am to try their hand at the IronPax Preseason challenge. YHC started with the basic disclaimer at 5:29am and led the pax in a 400 meter warmup mosey to establish the lap for …

O Boo Boo, Where Art Thou?

YHC arrived at Popeyes at 5:25am to spot the trucks of two of his favorite Pax members, Darkwing Duck and Tua. Sadly, those would be the only F3NOLA vehicles YHC would spot this morning for a sweaty Popeyes workout. About 2 months ago, YHC filled in the Q sheet with …

Substance over Form

Conditions: 82 with a Heat Index of 91. Slight breeze and lots of wet, freshly cut grass to frolic in. Warm-up SSH x 20, Mt. Climbers x 20, IW x 20, Alternating Lunges x 14, 3 Rounds of the Suck (6 SSH, 6 Merkins, 6 Jump Squats) The Thang Mosey …