
Thank you F3

Cool temps greeted the PAX under the still starlit gloom at The Birdcage. 13 HIM took on a beatdown that someone referred to as “Old School”, and somebody else said was “Intense”. Interestingly I often find that Qing a beatdown actually adds some immunity to the difficulty. I don’t know …

Bringing the Thunder

13 PAX braved the feels like temp of 93 degrees and the threat of storms this morning at the Birdcage. We were lucky to avoid the torrential downpours that immediately followed our COT, and I thoroughly kicked my own ass during this beatdown. Hats off to my fellow F3 brothers …

Light Lundi

Following the funday of all Sundays the pax was light today. This worked well with my plan to primarily run. The RRR challenge is effective in changing the focus and most all in pax were set to GPS mode. We had some nice conversation and feel like we got a …

Monkey Humper Monday

Got to bed late and was feeling tired and uninspired this am – forced myself to the beatdown because I was the Q today. First person I saw was Revit and I mentioned that I wasn’t feeling it yet – and he reminded me that sometimes getting out of bed …


It was the second day of Run Ranger Run and the PAX were motivated. 6 of us showed for an hour long run on this beautiful day. We started with a run through the park to the fly and then looped back around to the front of the park. Then …

Brick by Brick v.2

DISCLAIMER YHC was ready to start my 46th trip around the sun this morning with a beatdown in the gloom. Quick disclaimer and we were off on the running path for warmup mosey, the long way around to the band stand. WARM UP45 SSH IC, 20 Grassgrabbers IC, 20 windmills …