
Usual Suspects – from Steve

With Shooter pulling double Q duty this week, YHC felt compelled to take the Scramble. Which was good, because it’s about the only thing that got me out there that morning. Luckily, regulars Shooter and Waterpik don’t need such motivation. And Pelican has officially come out of his summer hibernation …

The Return!! – from Shooter

With the radar showing a brief window and our sky Q gracing us with the opportunity to get in the Scramble 3 PAX journeyed through the streets of Ole Mandeville.. The best part of this gloom would be the Return of Pelican.. After some chatter and catching up Waterpik arrives …

The Return!! – from Shooter

With the radar showing a brief window and our sky Q gracing us with the opportunity to get in the Scramble 3 PAX journeyed through the streets of Ole Mandeville.. The best part of this gloom would be the Return of Pelican.. After some chatter and catching up Waterpik arrives …

Audible at the Scramble

YHC decided to change up the routine slightly at the Scramble in the Gloom. Each Pax had to complete 50 merkins, burpees, and squats during the course of the 5K. It was good to see Mathlete make a surprise appearance, even though he said he wont be coming back when …