
They came in WAVES

It was a good showing this morning with 8 men posting at the resurgent Milestone Marsh. Warmarama: SSH GM WM -all IC x 20 Workout/ Thang: Circle Up at Half Court for some WAVE ACTION: Merkin Wave to 200 Shoulder Tap Wave to 100 Plank Jack Wave to 100 Burpee …

Two for Tuesday

Grandmothers house produced (2) F3 brothers on this Gloom. YHC and the Pelican arrived at the AO ready for a beatdown. Both had posted the previous day at the Marsh with a record setting number and the YHC thinking Grandmas House would possibly replicate the previous days showing Pelican and …

Scramblin to backblast

Its better late than never!  That’s my feeling about being so late for this backblast.  I apologize if any of you were waiting for it’s appearance with baited breath! warmarama: SSH x 20 GM x 20 HK x 20 BK x 20 all IC 3.2 mile run.   Mumble chatter …