
Three Years of Respect

A PAX can sometimes be a deaf lot, such as when a Q makes a disclaimer and then starts to mosey: huh, huh, what’d he say?  Where’s he going?  Hey, wait, we’re supposed to be following him? After a clearly articulated, strong-voiced disclaimer at precisely 5:30:00a, YHC started the usual …

Clear Eyes, Cold Hands

Great morning in the Gloom with a visitor from NC and two FNGs.  After a thorough disclaimer and explanation of the 3 Fs, we were off to the Magazine/river corner of the park where we circled up for a quick warmup: SSHx25 IWx25 LSSx20 Mountain Climber x20 / Plank Jack …

11’s Up The Mountain

It was a lovely morning for 19 men to meet in the gloom to grow and improve themselves.  DISCLAIMER!  Let’s mosey… circle up in front of the Tulane sign: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -Mt Climbers x 30 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (10 ea dir; front/back/chinook) …

Form and Function

The rain was just getting going as the PAX gathered at the AO. OBT (an F3 founder from Charlotte) posted, and conducted the second day of his unofficial audit of the Uptown PAX.  Yankee is coordinating the NOLA F3 Uptown management response. Standard disclaimer. Mosey along the path to the …

Good Friday

Good Friday.  I didn’t plan anything special.  I get a big fail for not including anything Good Friday related.  Mid-workout Sandbar had an idea for a Stations of the Cross workout!  I hope that happens next year. A very cool 60 degrees – wet ground but no rain. I brought …