
10 and 1

Welcome to October.  Fall is here!  Or maybe not.  Nope, down here in the swamp, summer heat and humidity remains the norm.  YHC had spent a weekend up north with the 2.0s, and enjoyed a run in crisp, cool fall weather.  How enjoyable – I hadn’t actually been cold in …

100 is the number!

When Mulligan had to back out of Q’ing, I jumped at the chance to take the Q , especially knowing it was going to be my 100th F3 workout this year.  I arrived early and stealthily unloaded the 6 cinder blocks I have been toting around in the back of …

What a year!

As this appears to be the week of anniversaries, YHC decided to add his 1 yr. anniversary into the mix by Qing the Birdcage.  So with a short disclaimer we were off! Mosey to Kick-Ball Field for Warm Up Imperial Walkers IC X20 Windmills IC X15 Parker Peters IC X20 …

Wolf-Brick Mountain

It had been 365 days since YHC’s last Q at WPM.  I rang in my 50th with a Q at WPM, and today I would end my 50th with a bookend Q at WPM.  In between, I’ve been a stranger to the Friday morning beatdowns.  So YHC was greeted by …

Skinny – Da Block is HOT!!!

Pre-Thang After the Week 2 – Iron 34Pax Challenge less than one week ago at the Birdcage, YHC was supposed to hide those cinder blocks with the help of the PAX.  However, Hawgcycle decided to use them for the same challenge at the Uptowner on Friday.  Therefore, the PAX loaded …

Friday FunDay

Warm up: 5 Minutes Wolfpack Mountain: 12 sets Run the straight aways and completed the following sets at the flats. 5 Burpees 10 Mercants 15 Jump Squats 20 LBC’s Total: 60 Burpees, 120 Mercants, 180 Jump Squats, 240 LBC’s Benches: 28 Dips 28 Decline Mercants Football Up Downs: Finished off …


So many directions that a Q can take that sometimes it’s hard to pick just one.  With some late night pondering though I couldn’t pass up the opportunity of 8118.  Has there ever been a palindromic beatdown in the history of F3?  Does the Pax know what a palindrome is? …