
Let’s Get Physical…and Possibly Excommunicated: White Meat, Maneater, and the Chatter That Broke Me – from Yankee Joe

Alternate Blast Titles: 1) Catholicism, Burpees, and Heresy—Oh My! 2) Lent, Lamentations, and the Theology of Bad Ideas 3) Deconstructed Burpees and Doctrinal Confusion 4) Apolo Ohno, Olivia Newton-John, and the Road to Redemption ———- YHC grew up Episcopalian, and most of what I knew about Catholicism came from Robin …

The Centenarian Decathlon, Lap 2: Caged Possums – from Paradox

The centenarian decathlon, introduced by longevity expert Dr Peter Attia, provides a framework for reverse engineering your aging and focusing on healthspan AND lifespan. It can also serve as an excellent thought experiment and practical guide for physical goals. The question is fairly simple. Assuming you reach 100, what are …