
Shorty’s R&R

For the GORuck folks, it was R&R day.  So I decided to lead our Pax of 11 through an R&R workout the way YHC recovers. Let’s see what happened, but first…. DISCLAIMER The Thang Mosey around the lit up fountain and over to a grassy area. COP#1: Warmup 30x SSH …


Seems JV had a flat on the way to the AO, leaving the Pax to fend for themselves.  Good mix of old and new with a couple of Kotters sprinkled in.  YHC gave a disclaimer and headed around the Mardis Gras Fountain.  It was one of those breezy mornings by …

40 is the new 20

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”  -George Burns Those were the first words of wisdom shared with the PAX this fine morning which happened to be YHC’s 40th Birthday.  Since all of the cool people have been signing up to Q on their birthdays, …


9 Okwata warriors gathered together on a blustery summer morning at the lakefront.  A kotter from Shorty and a second post from the now veteran Da Parish were welcome sights.  I was also glad to workout with Belloq for the first time, after reading that the Pax had named someone …

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday To Me, Happy Birthday To Me, Happy Birthday Dear Rudy, Happy Birthday To Me 10 PAX appeared in the morning Okwata gloom, gathering around a real Shovel Flag (apparently JV has been stashing it in his trunk).  YHC’s phone read a sultry 82 degrees.  Perfect weather for a celebratory …


With a full moon up this morning, it was time for stargazing. As Bellocq explained to the PAX before YHC was reminded he was Q this morning, Orion has his belt taut as he aims his bow at the eye of Taurus, the bull, even though (at least this morning) …

Going to get brunch

“Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says “Go!” –  a leader says “Let’s Go!” – George E. M. Kelly 7 men of NOLA decided to better themselves today in the gloom to become better leaders.  YHC wanted to see how far we could get to …

The H8 Debuts

YHC arrived this morning to Amnesty complaining about his soreness from Monday and self-proclaiming BS for his own Q.  I knew at this point that we couldn’t mess around this morning.  I can’t have him self-proclaiming BS for his own Q and mocking mine.  Best to try and keep him …