
The H8! Can Be Conquered

Event:  2nd Running of the H8! Conditions: Clear and 42 Field: 13 F3 Nola Pax ages 14-49 The idea behind the H8! was to create something challenging that we can use to measure our progress.  The inaugural running was in October and results can be seen here.  Five men from that first …


“The key to happiness is low expectations” – a wise man YHC woke up with excitement today, not just because of an Okwata beatdown with F3 brothers…it was my birthday Q!  So excited that I picked up a pack of cupcakes for a post-beatdown celebration. But pulling up to the AO…it looked …

Hey DJ, drop that Beat!

“It’s not in numbers, but in unity, that our great strength lies.” – Thomas Paine Windy gloom today, but that wasn’t even an issue… well it could have been if Cowbell posted: The real problem was no Q showed this morning.  After checking the records courtesy of Rudy’s spreadsheet, it looks …

Levee Work

“It’s hard work getting there, but the view is much better at the top” – a wise man Five men gathered and stood aimlessly in the grass  #VSF.  Walleye was scheduled for the Q, but organized a replacement yesterday at The Foundry due to a scheduling conflict.  YHC stepped up to handle, …

Gone with the Wind

One of the worst things about posting at Okwata is well the wind is wild at times. The PAX that made an appearance did not need a heated cozy pool or wanted to workout with a local news website reporter asking annoying questions. The six that showed up just wanted …

Truly Gloomy

7 PAX gathered in the foggy truly gloomy shores of Okwata, including one Ribbit Ribbit and a stranger. Guess who?? You can find the frog on groupme.  Never a dull moment with the Man of both worlds. #JV The stranger did a little something like this.. #shorty Decided to change …

12 Men and a Levee

Okwata is an incredible AO.  With all the mumblechatter of finding new AO’s to avoid Okwata, YHC felt obligated to bring a good beatdown.  In order to keep it real, YHC needed to bring his “A” game. 12 men of F3 gathered around the flag (a real one courtesy of …

Wet and Grassy

Everything was wet. The seawall was wet. Two paths to the fountain were flooded. But, the levee glowed with wet, cut grass. So, the PAX got wet and grassy with Elevens. YHC tried to keep the PAX dry for COP. SSH 20xIC, Don Quixote 20xIC, Mountain Climbers 19xIC, Arm Circles …