
The sky is falling…

Pre Thang – The #cantores were wrong again, just like chicken little.  Seven PAX left the #shovelflag at 05:30 in cool and cloudy conditions, no rain. We picked up Tito and Hawgcycle during the qtr. mile warm up for a total of nine. The Thang – Mosey out and around …

If you can take it…

Pre -Thang — A warm 60ish in the gloom today. Nine PAX, including one FNG, left the Shovel Flag and started to mosey. Picked up Bad Moon, who is now timing his approach perfectly, on the avenue for an even 10. The Thang — Early #mumblechatter — Looks like we’re …

The Day After…

Pre-Thang: Cool, calm,  45 and not so gloomy due to the 7 o’clock start. At 6:55 wondering if it’s the late start or #fartsackcity as a result of the bountiful feasts from yesterday, but it was looking like a solo for YHC until the Rev and Bad Moon showed up with 2 …