
Oh the Terror

This Q had me shaking in fear like night. I was not intending to Q this morning. I had made plans with Hawg to swap Qs. I would take his birdcage Q in early April, and he would take my Q in early June. I filled in admirably for him …

Core Crunch

My first Q in a while was core-focused.  I rolled in hot and was the last one to join the PAX.  We kicked things off with some warm-ups in place: -20 x SSH -20 x plank jacks -20 x mountain climbers Then we moseyed over to fairway near the pull …

The Dome Patrol

Nip/Tuck has been leading a band of merry Blue Ridge Runners in a parking garage training run downtown by the dome.  We decided to make it official.  So if you want to attend F3 New Orleans newest AO, meet near the dome at the corner of Poydras and LaSalle. This …

Okwata Draft Day

We had a beautiful Okwata windy morning for the PAX of 10.    The rain held off.  Today is NFL draft day, and the only number YHC can think about is 11. Now for the thang: The PAX moseyed around the fountain and then circled up for the warm-up: SSH 25xIC, …

I Hate Trains

I left 15 minutes early for F3 at the Birdcage this morning, so I could check out the route for the workout. I was only a few minutes from my destination when suddenly – There was a big train in the road Jock! I hate trains Jock! I hate em! …