Hawg’s Birthday – from Charmin
All came out to celebrate Hawg. Some Ran, Some Rucked, others just showed up. All had a good time. +1
All came out to celebrate Hawg. Some Ran, Some Rucked, others just showed up. All had a good time. +1
All came out to celebrate Hawg. Some Ran, Some Rucked, others just showed up. All had a good time. +1
With Thanksgiving on my mind, I wanted to make sure that the NOLA Pax knew how thankful I was to Q the Mothership. My watch shows 6:30 am and I launch into my necessary disclaimer and go over the 5 core principles of F3. From there we head to the …
Backblast from my first post – https://www.f3nola.com/2015/10/14/one-year-later-2/ Disclaimer Warm up – Grass Grabbers IC x 10, 5 Burpees OYO, Abe Vigoda IC x 10, 5 Burpees OYO, ArmvCircles IC x 10, 5 Burpees OYO, Imperial Walkers IC x 10, 5 Burpees OYO The Thing – 11’s Squats and Flutter Kicks …
Q woke up eager to push the PAX with a memorable workout in honor of his daughter’s 13th birthday. To the Q’s delight, there were 13 PAX in the gloom, can’t ask for a better sign. Warm-a-rama with 13 of everything. Rocks selected, mosey to parking lot. 13 Big boys, …
19 Pax posted at the Renaissance looking to kick the week off right. Disclaimer given along with the 5 core principles and off we went to face the bacon for the warm up. During this time the pax were asked for the 5 core principles which they got. Then YHC …
Mosey to the Fountain Warmup • Side-Straddle Hops (SSH) – 15 reps • Abe Vigodas – 10 reps • Arm Circles Forward – 10 reps • Arm Circles Reverse – 10 reps • Seal Claps – 10 reps • Side Steps Across the Lawn • Peter Parkers – 10 reps …
YHC Arrived. PAX arrived. Standard warm-o-rama. Rocks were selected. Mosey to field to begin the work. 50 LBCs 1 Thruster – 100 YD Dash – Recover 2 Thrusters – 90 YD Dash – Recover 3, 80 4, 70…etc. PAX Circled; Round 1 – 1 Performs 12 Burpees while remaining performed …
So, I rolled into the gloom around 5:20 a.m., eagerly waiting to spot some pax—you know, real people to suffer with. But alas, it was just me and the darkness. Then, out of the shadows at 5:28 a.m., the Knees Over Toes squad emerged like a twisted scene from a …
Ladder / suicide 1st tree 1 Bobby Hurley and back pedal up to 9 trees Pax Choice Gazebo twice around Mary 0