
Up, Down Then Drink

Seven PAX posted on an extremely hot morning. Lots of stops at the water fountain were needed along with an “Uptown” beat-down on YHC’s Saturday VQ. Disclaimer then moseyed to the great lawn: SSH x25, MC X20, IW x20, PP x20, Hillbillies x20, Parker Peter x20 & Seal Jacks x25 After the …

To Our Fallen Americans

The week ending on 7/9/2016 was a very tough week for me – as I’m sure it was for you as well.  Innocent lives were wrongfully taken.  2 nice men and five police officers tragically lost their lives.  These men were great fathers, husbands, brothers & friends.  This was my …

Highway to Hell

Welcomed again by the South Louisiana heat and humidity 10 naive veteran F3ers showed up for YHC’s Mothership Q.  They were welcomed with the question, “If we can accomplish something never before done in F3 History would you spare an extra 10 minutes?”  To which Shorty gave a definite affirmative, …

The Thunder Rolls

Nice turnout at the Mothership as storm clouds brewed above.  Several of the Pax started to wonder if the disclaimer covers lightning strikes.  I’m no lawyer, but the disclaimer seems airtight to me.  JV and YHC each planted a flag in the hardest, driest piece of ground on the gulf …

City Parkapolis 500

Ten veteran F3ers surfaced through the holiday weekend gloom to out-do “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing” (The Indianapolis 500).  YHC mentioned the tough decision to theme the beat down after the 500 or the College Lacrosse Final Four.  Rudy wanted to search for sticks quickly to avoid the racing and Yankee …

Qs Wild

11 Men gathered around the flag, patiently watching their watches waiting for the arrival of Sparky for his VQ. Tick tock tick tock go the watches. Beep say the watches, 6:30 it is. Time to go. Shorty takes the lead for a game of “Qs Wild”, and leads us off …