
Out for Justice

Cool crisp and dark morning in NOLA.  PAX gathered in front of the shovel flags to await the Out for Justice VQ.  Nervous pacing.  What would Detective Gino Felino have in store for us? After his disclaimer, we were off. The Thang: Off to the great lawn for opening exercises. …

Running & Hunting

11 men gathered around the flag at the Mothership this gloom, while 4 others gathered around the Lafayette Square statue downtown for the Jazz Half Marathon.  YHC got to post to both AOs, so we will call this a Pax of 15. DISCLAIMER The Thang Mothership: Quick mosey over to …

Team Murph Training

Eleven NOLA F3er’s and a visitor from Alpharetta joined the PAX on this “crisp” Mothership workout.  Could this be the swan song for YHC Q’ing the NOLA Mothership only these 12 men seemed to care… cue violins.  YHC tried to make it memorable: Disclaimer PAX Divided into groups of 3 “Sudden …

Form and Function

YHC waffled on scheduling the Bible Study this week and decided to cancel it late last night.  Unbeknownst to me, JV hasn’t seen his phone for the last 2 days and showed up at 0600 for thirty minutes of solitary meditation.  #Cobains.  YHC gave the disclaimer and we headed to …

Bongo’ VQ. Good beat down. Bongo: Mosey to Green Lawn: 25 — SSH 20 — Peter Parkers 30 — Arm Circles 25 — Dying Cock roach Museam Pond 3 sets of 10 calf raises on brick ledges 3 sets of 10 squats?? Mosey to Practice Track 2 sets of 800M …


YHC awoke a 0400 to a heavy downpour, wondering if flooded roads might prevent the PAX from posting.  The skies cleared and I arrived to find 11 men ready for a Tropical Beatdown.  I started on the disclaimer, which was apparently all Bongo could take, because he took off in a …