
El Cinco de Dolor y Miseria

Well, as they say… that happened.  The FBI physical fitness test pre-thang Q’d by Grundy started promptly at 0545 as promised, but it would require a prodding Bushwacker to keep this thing on schedule.  You see, until this morning, none of us (least of all Grundy) realized just how patriotic …

Trifecta of Anniversaries

Rewind 3 years ago to a rainy Saturday morning in April when YHC was coaxed into coming to his first F3 workout, standing in the dark amid the mud and a bunch of dudes calling each other by goofy names.  Not exactly the best way to spend a Saturday morning …

Endymion Mambo #3

Despite a likely chance of rain in the forecast, 14 PAX made their way to The Mothership for the annual Endymion Mambo workout.  Skies were clear which allowed YHC to stick to the weinke and not resort to plan B.  The usual pleasantries exchanged, including a shout out to Fracsac …