The Old Guy Leads a Little Burn – from Mobydick
YHC ie the Old guy’s first Marsh was a round out of the Leg and Arms of the Gipper and A1c Think Core and more core. +3
YHC ie the Old guy’s first Marsh was a round out of the Leg and Arms of the Gipper and A1c Think Core and more core. +3
YHC has been working out with his wife everyday since his return from the Caribbean. However, he did sleep in on Wednesday, which was leg day. Katie hasn’t let me forget that I skipped leg day, so here we go… Warm-ups: ssh, windmills, grass grabbers, self love, torso twists, arm …
A pleasant 53 degrees for the gathered PAX, this Wednesday morning, at The Gipper. Good to see Maverick strolling out of the gloom and into the Gipper AO. I thought he was an FNG Long Warmup: Toe Touch, SSHops, Good Mornings, Neck Rolls, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, High Kneees, …
7 strong this morning, with YHC 15 minutes late, setting the alarm for 4:50 pm. Body clock woke me up, quick text to Hammer to get us started, and on the way. Arriving to 6 pax and the shovel flag that Quarterpipe picked up from a previous beatdown, we were …
A cool 57 degrees at 5:15 a.m., at the A1C, atop the Justice Center Parking Garage. Warmup: all 15xIC: toe touch, ss hops, imperial walkers, neck rolls, high kneees, butt kicks, shoulder press, hi jack hi jill, arm circles, hillbillys, smurf jacks, thumb drives, ice skater hops, etc. Thang: Set …
I arrived to the A1C, driving through a downpour of rain, ready to work out. The skies opened up and cleared. I got out of my car and began warming up when my partner in crime, Moby, arrived. Now Moby, in a second life, was Bob Breck. He informed us …
A humid 72 degrees for the gathered PAX, this Wednesday morning, at The Gipper. Warmup: Toe Touch, SSHops, Good Mornings, Neck Rolls, Arm Circles, Shoulder Slingbacks, Imperial Walkers, Ankle Rolls, Hillbillies, High Kneees, Butt Kicks, Scissors, Thumb Drives, Swimmers, Hi-Jack-Hi-Jills, Smurf Jacks, Ice Skater Hops etc. mosey to the coupon …
If you don’t sign up to Q you risk getting on the chain gang. A brisk cool morning at the Gipper. Four of us showed and no one had signed up to Q. YHC included had procrastinated. Just so happens I had been thinking of some new chain exercises and …
A slightly muggy 67 degrees at 5:15 a.m., at the A1C, atop the Justice Center Parking Garage. Warmup: all 15xIC: toe touch, ss hops, imperial walkers, neck rolls, high kneees, butt kicks, shoulder press, ankle rotate, hi jack hi jill, arm circles, scissors, hillbillys, etc. Thang: Deck of Doom – …
The cage match of death challenge has been accepted. Russo threw down the gauntlet, and the boys at the A1C answered the call. The Pelican and Russo in one corner, Jose and Moby in the other. Dipping our hands in glue, then into shards of glass (Kickboxer style). The boys …