Shoeless Joe Jackson?!? – from Jose10k
A delayed start for the usual pair at the A1C, Moby forgot his shoes! 2 guys worked out. Short, sweet, and too the point. Last A1C beatdown at the A1C!!! +1
A delayed start for the usual pair at the A1C, Moby forgot his shoes! 2 guys worked out. Short, sweet, and too the point. Last A1C beatdown at the A1C!!! +1
I will begin this backblast with the weather, much like our local “Ron Burgundy” does for the splash pad each backblast that he writes. It was 73 degrees outside, humid, and cloudy…”And the air was just right for drinking…”Bonus points for anyone who can tell me which 80s classic movie …
YHC, sore calf and all, decided to prethang a little early and a lot slower. 3 other younger HIMs joined me at 5:15 for the last official RunCajunRun beatdown at the A1C. Warm-ups, of course, mumble chatter, check, running…double check. 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 big boys, followed by a …
YHC arrived at the A1C early to put in those RUNCAJUNRUN miles. I don’t know why, the TARDS are way behind the leaderboard, but I keep telling myself, Tanked up is about to get ramped up. I know that he’s too old now to really compete, but he’ll put in …
65 degrees? Are you serious? T-shirt and shorts one more time before the weather rolls through. Everyone was happy to enjoy this gorgeous weather. Yes, we know Russo will always wear shorts and a t-shirt. He’s our own Victor Freeze ( a batman character portrayed by the master thespian Arnold …
3 men took the red pill on this chilly 34 degree morning. It was too cold for the top floor, so we moved it down to the second level. Einstein and I began our warm-up when Fletch came rolling up hot on two wheels. Apparently he has been battling broken …
Oh, oo-o-oh, come on, ooh, yeah Well I tried to tell you so (yes, I did) But I guess you didn’t know, as I said the story goes Baby, now I got the flow ‘Cos I knew it from the start Baby, when you broke my heart That I had …
Could the A1C shutdown the cross town rival splash pad? Could the anniversary bring out seldom seen brothers like Tanked Up? Could Moby be sick and tired of CottonEyeJoe and the Cupid Shuffle? The answer to all 3 of these questions is simply, hell yes. As Bushwacker once told me, …
Remember the great fire of 1979 that supposedly started in your garage when that chipmunk ingested some fertilizer and then fell into a can of kerosene instantly turning him into a flying-lil’, fluffy-lil’ molotov cocktail that set a blaze leveling the whole neighborhood West of Newton’s Hardware Store? You started …