Forgot the deets – from Vagabond
Posting backblast 2 weeks after – we did a bear crawl relay and pax choice of exercise. Forgot the rest. Just wanted to get pax attendances recorded. 0
Posting backblast 2 weeks after – we did a bear crawl relay and pax choice of exercise. Forgot the rest. Just wanted to get pax attendances recorded. 0
Christmas Music in background Warmup Plank pull through relay coupon drill Fountain 20 derkins 20 right leg step ups 20 dips 20 left leg step ups 20 plank walk ups 20 incline wife pleasers 20 decline shoulder taps 20 irkins 20 single leg squats 20 decline step ups / walks …
The Commodores released a song called “Easy” 1977 that has a classic line in it that goes like this, “I’m easy like Sunday morning.” Well, the one thing I discovered in F3 NOLA, is that easy workouts are not things that motivate me to get up in the gloom. To …
If you don’t write a backblast quickly, you will forget the details. I’m doing this for the Pax Miner so everyone gets credit. I brought all my toys (dumbbells, kettlebells, and sandbags) and borrowed a couple from Frac and Heisenberg’s 80lb sand ball. I provided a disclaimer and the pax …
War Eagle asked YHC to Q as we disbanded the Scrim and knowing the Q is a great way to avoid a Fartsack, I obliged. Thankfully, War Eagle kicked off the warorama due to my “turdiness” and allowed me to finish it upon my arrival. There was considerable mumble chatter …
There was an FNG alert broadcast across the channels for the Scrum, or the Goldmine or whatever we call Lasalle these days. Gabby and Yankee came from uptown to support their EH. Maytag, Boo-Boo, SOGO, RevSox, the FNG and YHC rounded out the 8. Disclaimer followed by a warmup. First …
BLIMPS: Everyone does exercise while the timer runs stair circle coupon rifle carry Jump rope to 300 reps with partner while pax planks Bear crawl face off Pax Choice Sunday Mornings +1
Warmup Circle up – challenge to see how far we can push ourselves beyond mental limits PYDHY – “Push yourself don’t hurt yourself” do as many as you can side straddle hops facing outward so you can see other pax – stop when you get tired (not speed but total …