Hawg’s Birthday – from Charmin
All came out to celebrate Hawg. Some Ran, Some Rucked, others just showed up. All had a good time. +1
All came out to celebrate Hawg. Some Ran, Some Rucked, others just showed up. All had a good time. +1
As per usual, the Runners came and killed their workout from Coach Gregg. YHC did a nieghborhood lap that felt faster than normal. It may have been the cooler air. Here’s to hoping that the weather get’s even cooler! +1
As usual, YHC arrived to find the runners there early and even a few KnOTters. By the time 5:30 arrived, Boo-Boo was there to ruck, in addition to bringing news that Bolt would be arriving shortly. After going around the track and finding all the gates locked, we met with …
19 Pax posted at the Renaissance looking to kick the week off right. Disclaimer given along with the 5 core principles and off we went to face the bacon for the warm up. During this time the pax were asked for the 5 core principles which they got. Then YHC …
KB and YHC pulled up at a little before 5:20 to see a herd of runners running away from the proverbial flag and all of their cars taking up valuable parking space. The days of a Lakeview Clown Car were apparently over. With just KB, Vagabond, and YHC at the …
YHC Arrived. PAX arrived. Standard warm-o-rama. Rocks were selected. Mosey to field to begin the work. 50 LBCs 1 Thruster – 100 YD Dash – Recover 2 Thrusters – 90 YD Dash – Recover 3, 80 4, 70…etc. PAX Circled; Round 1 – 1 Performs 12 Burpees while remaining performed …
So, I rolled into the gloom around 5:20 a.m., eagerly waiting to spot some pax—you know, real people to suffer with. But alas, it was just me and the darkness. Then, out of the shadows at 5:28 a.m., the Knees Over Toes squad emerged like a twisted scene from a …
Don’t post it it didn’t happen. Sorry for the late post but better than not at all. The usual warm up stretches and a little cardio. A :45/:30 Tabata featuring Crunchy Frogs Squats Crunches SSH Merkins Tie Touches and A Lap. Three full rounds and half of a fourth. This …
You cannot ignore the H8! We tried. There was no H8! in April. Honestly, I forgot all about it. I guess I tried to push the H8! way down deep, but it never went away. The last few months have shown me that the H8! is always there. I can’t …
Re-enactment of the first ever official F3 Nola workout The Thang: Gandalf’s Q (played by Hawgcycle) Mosey to a space near the football field, backwards run, side-shuffle left, side-shuffle right Circle of Pain (COP): Side-Straddle Hops in cadence x15 Merkins in cadence x12 Imperial Walkers in cadence x15 Mountain Climbers …