
Old Lady Bike – from Vagabond

Count off, Bear crawl 1 at a time for 3 trees while others side straddle hop, hillbilly, imp walker. Crawler stands when done. Others catch up. Everyone goes 2x Stations Timer is bike around museum Alternating step ups American hammers with weight Jump rope Curls Box cutters Sunday mornings Mary …

Rudy got sold – from Mayhem

Q started selling Rudy at 7:30pm the evening before on showing up to the proper AO… ABC (always be closing)… Rudy got sold 530am Disclaimer Mosey Warmarama: windmills, grass grabbers, side straddle hops, peter parker peter, mountain climbers, arm circles, reverse arm circles Rock pile then to the parking lot …

El Diablo – from Pool Boy

Temperature 84 degrees. After giving brief disclaimer, Mosey to bleachers near back of the playround. Warmups – SSH Imperial Walkers Grass Grabbers Mountain Climbers Arm Circles Round 1 5 shoulder taps, 10 plank jacks, 20 merkins, 30 squats, run up and down bleachers, run around parking lot and back. 3x …