
The Usual Suspects

The usual suspects rolled in from the Gloom at their usual times this morning, Maverick hitting the tarmac just in time to join the warmup of dynamic stretching exercises up and down the fake train platform at the Covington trailhead:  lateral SSHs, lunges with a twist, lateral lunges, a variety …

3 down and 1 to go!!!

With coupon assistance provided by the Northshore’s unquestionable leader Turbo, 7 men posted at the Gipper this Gloom to complete week 3 of F3 Greenwood’s ISI challenge… By far this weeks challenge in the mind and body of the YHC has proven to be the toughest.. But like any other …

Can You Feel The LOVE?

We were all FNGs once…BUT….IF….you’ve been an F3 Northshore FNG recently, making your first post at the most logical AO, the Mandeville Lakefront, you’ve experienced some extreme H8 from on-Q-high.  Of course, I would never mention any Qs by name…but a few nicknames come to mind: Turbo (extreme H8), Maverick (he called it “a …


There were no FNGs at The Gipper this morning.  If there had been, YHC would have named the first one Smuckers.  Because his arms and legs and the rest of his body for that matter would have felt like jelly.  F3 Greenwood must have it in for the rest of …

A national challenge and Proper Sister Mary Catherines/ Bonnie Blairs

5 Pax arose to the Iron Pax Challenge on Wednesday morning. We stuck to the form specified here: And I learned that I had been doing Sister Mary Catherine’s more like a dancing nun than a praying nun.  Apparently knees should touch the ground and you’ll be way more sore …

Northshore H8!

There’s been a fair amount of mumble chatter emanating from the Southshore lately about the so called H8! beat down.  Never to be outdone by our Southshore brothers, the Northshore PAX decided to turn up the volume to 11 this morning with a modified version of the H8!   After the …


With the Gnarly Nutria on this evening’s agenda, YHC considered taking it easy on the PAX this morning at The Gipper.  That thought disappeared into the morning’s humidity as soon as Moby approached the AO wearing his new DeWalt contractor gloves, ready to get to work.  So we did: Warmup …