
Misty Morning Beatdown

YHC ate way too much over his Christmas break and so was quick to respond to Steve’s call to Q this morning. After joining Legal, Hammer and Zoolander for a little Foreplay in the Gloom, YHC circled up the PAX, partnered up with Grover and got down to business with …

The No Power Menu

10 men braved the Olga aftermath to see what was on the No Power Menu this past Saturday.  YHC may not be able to remember much of what was actually on the menu, but I can tell you what was not on the menu: a fun game of mud football …

A very thankful 4 years of F3

YHC was greeted this beautiful anniversary gloom by 11 PAX waiting to celebrate an F3 anniversary the right way, with a beatdown of course. While planning this beatdown, YHC started thinking how grateful he is of F3, Shorty EH’ing him hard to “just come out and see.” I’ll be forever …

Diamonds In The Rough

Warmarama: 10 reps IC for each exercise: Toe Touches, Wind Mills, Imperial Walkers, Slow Squats, Side Straddle Hops, Seal Jacks,  High Knees, Butt Kicks, Forward Arm Circles, Reverse Arm Circles, Overhead Claps Mosey Circle Burp…… All pacs formed the best circle that 22 guys could make. Everyone starts doing High …

A Love Letter to the Gipper

Hey Gipper! It’s been a while. Did you miss me? I sure missed you. In fact, I missed you so much that slow-ass drivers and blinding rain couldn’t keep me away this morning. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder! And, of course, my most sincere apologies for …

Circuit court in Session

Recovering from Waterpik’s light rep but high intensity beatdown from the day prior. YHC decided to bring some coupons of his own to the Gipper crew. Arrived at the AO to the sights of Moby, Akbar and Maverick loosening up around the flag. Knowing the PAX would soon swell by …