
Rock – Kong

Couldn’t ask for better weather to start a Monday so “Let’s Rock-Kong”!  10 men showed up to push their physical boundary.  Disclaimer given then off for a quick mosey to circle up for a warm up: SSH x 20 IC Peter Parker x 20 IC Mtn Climbers x 20 IC Shoulder Taps x …

Why six was afraid of seven

So several years ago, YHC’s 2.0 asked him why six was afraid of seven? Because seven eight (ate) nine.  I still laugh at the thought of this seven-year old’s joke, which I suspect to be Sacred Heart lore that perhaps originated from Hawg’s days there many moons ago.  Anyway, with …

No Milkman, No Problem

Where y’at Brother Milkman? We miss you out in the gloom. Don’t let the fear of the umpteen burpees awaiting you keep you from appearing! 9 Rock City regulars were joined by 1 on-vacation special guest; welcome to the park FracSac! As the clock struck 5:30, no Milkman appearance – …


Disclaimer… Mosey to rock pile for brief warmup: SSHx25/Peter Parkerx25/Arm C.x20(front&back)/Abe Vigodax15/IWx25…grab a rock, one that travels well. Mosey to the track…here’s where things get dicey, at least for the slow learners. Split up into 2 pax.  Pax one stays put – 8 squats in cadence, then a run to …

Rock around the track

I arrived unusually early today (5 minutes) to get in a good stretch, and I was greeted with Bogey on his way out. Bogey, the QIC, got an email at 5:20am that his 9:30am flight got bumped up to 8:00am! So Bogey passed the Q, and his beat down plan, …

Spartacus II – the Intro

Eight men posted to Rock City excited to see the improvements to the perfect workout.  DISCLAIMER, let’s mosey… COP: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -Mt Climbers x 30 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 ea. dir.) Grab a rock, medium, one you won’t drop on your head…Let’s …