
Endymion Mambo #3

Despite a likely chance of rain in the forecast, 14 PAX made their way to The Mothership for the annual Endymion Mambo workout.  Skies were clear which allowed YHC to stick to the weinke and not resort to plan B.  The usual pleasantries exchanged, including a shout out to Fracsac …

Shoulder Down-Pain-ment

Nobody signed up to Q Rock City for this lovely winter morning, so I gladly took it. DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey….on the track opposite of the normal direction, at Mahatma-Ice’s request, to the gym set for our warm-up: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -Mt Climbers x 30 …

The 4 Horseman at Okwata

Okwata just doesn’t get enough respect. Let me clarify that statement; Jingle Vader posts to Okwata quite often, so it gets lots of Respect, so it’s the other kind of respect it lacks. YHC read the informative email from our NOLA Nantan at the beginning of the week where, once …

Defrosting the pipes

In case you didn’t notice, it was a bit nippy last week.  The PAX count was correspondingly a bit low.  The plumbers will now be gainfully employed in overdrive for a few weeks.  So it’s time to get back to work.  The THANG. Warm up with mumblechatter: SSHs ICx25 Frankensteins ICx25 Low …