Hawg’s Birthday – from Charmin
All came out to celebrate Hawg. Some Ran, Some Rucked, others just showed up. All had a good time. +1
All came out to celebrate Hawg. Some Ran, Some Rucked, others just showed up. All had a good time. +1
All came out to celebrate Hawg. Some Ran, Some Rucked, others just showed up. All had a good time. +1
Much to everyone’s chagrin, there were no Downrangers, however there were 5 ruckers and 3 runners for a total of 8 pax who beat the battle of 15 degrees and made it out. 0
Really good morning and setting to try something new and training preparation for upcoming Wild West Relay. Five PAX joined me at the beautiful and awesome Bogue Chitto state park to run a true Trail run on the Red Path or Gorge Trail. This is about as good as it …
Journal entry Feb 17, 2024 An eventful morning on the Farm My family has lived on this property out along Hwy 1 since around WW2 and most mornings I follow a strict but enjoyable routine. Up just before the sun rises over the cane fields , I brew a pot …
Markers 50 Yds, 75 yds @Goal Line – 50 SSH 1 is 1 Sprint to 50 50 Merkins Bear Crawl to 75 50 LBC Sprint to Goal 50 Air Squats Sprint Back – Repeat 2 more times Circled to cover the six’s and help them out as needed Queried the …
8 PAX in the gloom this am. One severe bloody nose from Macgyver, and one DR visitor from Memphis (after 10 years in Shanghai) – good to see you again, Thibodaux! While our esteemed walker (Tenderloin) and KOT (Scantron and Macgyver) wne to do their thing, the rest when to …
Pool Boy originally had the Q. I don’t recall the excuse… he either had a family obligation or wanted to sleep in due to the 5% chance of a light mist. YHC arrived early to setup the cones. Disclaimer included the option to either push yourself or KnOT this morning. …
12 pax posted in the gloom looking for and providing accountability; some ran, some KnOTted, some rucked. YHC wanted to test if there was an impact on speed if one is chased vs being chased so Lions and Gazelles was born. The disclaimer was given and off we went while …