
Countdown to Grow Ruck

“Age is an issue of mind over matter.  If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain 7 men of F3 gathered at Okwata at 0530 on a Sunday morning, fired up to get another ruck in before the Growruck event next weekend.  Terabyte asked if his M could …

Get Shorty

It all started with a simple request on the GroupMe App.  Hawgcycle asked if someone could cover his Q at Okwata, and Shorty quickly, too quickly, volunteered. YHC responded that he would be the back up, but had no worries in regard to Shorty posting. YHC posted just to see …

Okwata and the DMD

YHC arrived at Okwata wondering which dedicated PAX would show up. YHC was excited when 7 hardcore Okwata junkies emerged from their vehicles to join their QIC in the gloom. The mystery ghost vehicle referenced by Rudy last week was back on the scene. No time to investigate, as 0530 …

Lafitte’s Plunge #17

Two men arrived to the aquatic gloom in search of self-improvement.  Full moon looks great and the sunrise will be nice.   Let’s go outside.   Quick disclaimer and get to work The Thang 200 yd warm up 11’s featuring Verkins(1), swim 25, Reverse Crunch (10) Rinse & Repeat – 11’s featuring Verkins (10), swim 25, Reverse …

The Morning Call

New faces, new workouts at Saturday’s lakefront beatdown.  Warm welcome to FNG’s Ace Ventura, Dollar Bill, and Manny, hope to see you guys at the next one.  It started as it usually does, with the pre-warm-up run continuing its current trend of picking up the pace each week.  Trying to keep …

This is Okwata!

“Do, or do not.  There is no try.” Yoda No shovel flag to converge around, yet five men still arrive in the gloom for a beat down, yes they do. Are the cool days of spring gone, hmmm? Humid mornings say so, but wait and see, yes? 0530 is upon …

Okwata Welcomes DirtyMacDeuce

“Don’t try to be perfect, just try to be better than you were yesterday.” Anonymous The correspondence that was sent out at the beginning of the week showed no Q for Okwata.  YHC checked his schedule, identified there was no urgency for an early appearance at work, and signed up …