
Diamonds In The Rough

Warmarama: 10 reps IC for each exercise: Toe Touches, Wind Mills, Imperial Walkers, Slow Squats, Side Straddle Hops, Seal Jacks,  High Knees, Butt Kicks, Forward Arm Circles, Reverse Arm Circles, Overhead Claps Mosey Circle Burp…… All pacs formed the best circle that 22 guys could make. Everyone starts doing High …

Return of the Green Mile

19 pax showed up to the Lakefront on Saturday Morning, for a beatdown known as the Green Mile. Pre-thang; 2 miles Tanked up, Bushwacker, Barely Legal and a late arriving YHC. The thang: Warm up: SSH, IW, Mt climbers, Slow skwaats, and dippy birds all IC x 20 The Green …

Party at Okwata

There was excitement oozing from GroupMe yesterday in anticipation of the party at Okwata. Bones was trying to draw the uptown crowd in. The lakeview clown car(s) all showed up! 16 Pax joined YHC on the lakefront to celebrate the day a legend was born. Brief disclaimer, then a mosey …