
Sticking to the Classics

YHC and Ya Mom n’dem learned Monday morning as they rode in the Lakeview clown car home from Rock City that Abacus would not be able to Q the Stomp today. Instead of throwing it out to the Mumblechatter in search of a Q, an idea was born: why not …

43 going on 44

23 PAX posted in the the dark at Rock City. The effects of the time change were felt as I tried to wake up and get ready to make the trek to Metairie. It was still so dark I could barely see who all had shown up in the dark …

Surge’s B-Day Q

YHC turned 51 and wanted to celebrate F3 style. Okwata provided a beautiful sunrise and a light breeze. First, DISCLAIMER and then Mosey to the Center of the Universe for the warm-up: SSHx51, Abe Vigoda x10, Sun Gods 10f/10b, Peter Parker x20, Parker Peter x20, Imperial Walker x20, Concrete Grabbers …